
Finger Hands

“It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it.”
– Nelson Mandela

I invented Finger Hands for Archie McPhee in 2014. They became an instant hit and remain one of the most popular products in company history with over a dozen spinoff products. They are often seen with celebrities and in other areas of pop culture (see below). I designed them to look like miniature versions of my own hands, with the same palm lines and fingerprints. It can be weird to see them out in the world doing all manner of (both appropriate and inappropriate) things and getting to live vicariously through them a bit. I feel grateful that Finger Hands have brought so much joy into the world.

Roles: Concept, Art Direction, Product Design, Illustration, Photography, Hand Model

Select Press: Less Talk, More Monkey Podcast (more below)

*Top-Selling Item


Finger Hands & Celebrities


Finger Hands in Popular Culture

Finger Hands Spinoffs

Select Press: Gizmodo

*Top-Selling Items: Glow-in-the-Dark Finger Hands, Rainbow Finger Hands, Finger Hands for Finger Hands, Finger Feet, Alien Finger Hands, Bigfoot Finger Feet, Duck Feet